18 Aug 2020
LEAF supports Low Carbon Agriculture Show

We are delighted that LEAF (Linking Environment and Farming) is coming on board to support Low Carbon Agriculture Show.
LEAF works to inspire and enable sustainable farming that it prosperous, enriches the environment and engages local communities, matters close to our heart at LCA show.
Caroline Drummond MBE, LEAF Chief Executive, said on supporting the show:
“LEAF is delighted to support the Low Carbon Agriculture Show and looks forward to taking part in both the event and its ‘Digital Insights’ webinar series, helping to create a sustainable future in farming, at a key time of transition in British agriculture. LEAF works to inspire farming that's prosperous, enriches the environment and engages local communities, and Low Carbon Agriculture is very much in line with our principles.”
Caroline Drummond MBE will be taking part in the first Digital Insights webinar on 16 September 2020, entitled ‘Reaching Net Zero in Agriculture’ alongside Dr Jonathan Scurlock, chief advisor, renewable energy and climate change, for the NFU and David Jacobmeyer, Low Carbon Agriculture show organiser.
To register for Digital Insights, visit https://lowcarbonagricultureshow.co.uk/lca-digital/