23 Jun 2020
Low Carbon Agriculture launches in the UK

Low Carbon Agriculture, the new event showcasing opportunities in low carbon energy, technological advances, and Environmental Land Management (ELM) for a profitable and sustainable future in farming, will launch at the National Agriculture and Exhibition Centre (NAEC), Stoneleigh, on 9-10 March 2021.
Formerly Energy and Rural Business Show, the event has rebranded, relocated and reasserted its focus to ensure that practical solutions to tackling climate change through the generation of renewable energy, the implementation of low carbon initiatives and best practice in both environmental and carbon management, take centre stage.
As lockdown eases, and the events industry adapts, Low Carbon Agriculture will combine the latest software and innovation with the physical show, running digital webinars on the run up to the event, starting on the 15th July.
Low Carbon Agriculture is also launching a networking app to enhance visitor experience, inviting delegates to book in one-to-one appointments in advance of the event, as well as attending networking roundtable discussions run by exhibitors and to continue these connections well beyond the show.
Held in association with the National Farmers Union (NFU), Low Carbon Agriculture incorporates four expos in one show and has announced new features for the 2021 event, including the addition of ‘Environmental Business Expo’ and ‘Farm Technology Expo’ to compliment ‘Energy Now Expo’ and ‘Low Emission Vehicles Expo.’
Jonathan Scurlock, Chief Adviser, Renewable Energy and Climate Change for the National Farmers Union (NFU), is supportive of the new show. “The NFU strongly supports the launch of Low Carbon Agriculture and its move to Stoneleigh Park. The event has always been a trailblazer, and its focus on low carbon agriculture, natural capital enhancement and agri-tech is very much in tune with current policy, at a key time of change in agriculture."
The event’s move to NAEC Stoneleigh, positions Low Carbon Agriculture in a well-known agricultural venue, in the middle of the country, more easily accessible to a larger audience from all over the UK.
Chris Hartley, Managing Director of NAEC Stoneleigh says “We are delighted to welcome Low Carbon Agriculture to NAEC. The show fits with our ethos, as we are a venue working to reduce our own carbon footprint, introducing our own “Three Rs System – “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. In addition, NAEC is the natural home for many leading agricultural events and many of businesses based here at Stoneleigh Park are leading organisations dedicated to agriculture and rural enterprise”
Chris goes on to say “In what is a hugely challenging time for the events industry, it’s great to share some good news – always pleased to welcome another market leading trade event to our venue.”
The show is committed to reducing its impact on the environment, going paper free and implementing digital check in and navigation, ensuring any materials used are sustainable, responsibly sourced or can be recycled, with a ban on the use of all single use plastic.
Spring boarding off the success of ‘Energy and Rural Business Show’ in 2019 and 2020, the event continues to be ahead of the curve, evolving from its roots as ‘Energy Now Expo’, and celebrates 12 years of success next March.
David Jacobmeyer, show director says: “Our aim is to provide farmers and landowners with information and guidance on ways to combat climate change, to align with developments in agri-policy and to identify the business opportunities which will allow them to continue providing their essential products and services in both a profitable and sustainable way.”
The show remains free to attend and features the Energy Now Expo, in which an exhibition will be accompanied by an energy storage theatre and a cutting-edge conference programme, covering all forms of renewables. The Low Emission Vehicles Expo will showcase the latest low-carbon transport and machinery solutions, highlight the related opportunities, and feature a test track. The Environmental Business Expo will include an exhibition and conference sessions offering practical guidance to farmers on carbon & environmental land management. Suppliers of innovative agri-tech will take part in the exhibition and workshop area within the Farm Technology Expo.